The American Affection for Banks


Unwavering Satisfaction with Primary Banks

A recent survey conducted by Morning Consult on behalf of the American Bankers Association reveals that an overwhelming majority of Americans are more than just content with their primary banking institution. Specifically, nine out of ten account holders reported being either “very satisfied” or “satisfied” with their primary bank. This high level of satisfaction reflects a deep-rooted trust and dependability, which can be invaluable in an industry dealing with one of life’s most intimate facets—personal finance.

Stellar Customer Service Ratings

When it comes to customer service, the numbers are even more impressive. A staggering 95% of respondents rate their bank’s customer service as either “excellent,” “very good,” or “good.” Such high ratings indicate that banks are not only meeting the basic requirements of account management and transactional ease but are also excelling in personalized service, problem resolution, and overall customer care. The cumulative efforts of bank staff, from the frontline tellers to customer service representatives, are clearly resonating well with the consumer base.

The Positive Impact of Technological Advancements

Another noteworthy point is that 84% of respondents believe that bank technology improvements have facilitated easier access to financial services. Banks are incorporating cutting-edge technology like mobile banking apps, online portals, and automated customer service to make banking a convenient and seamless experience. This digital transformation is proving beneficial for both banks and consumers, streamlining processes and making information and services more readily accessible.

Variety and Choice in Financial Products

The survey also reveals that consumers feel empowered when it comes to choosing banking products. An identical 84% agree they have a multitude of options when selecting products and services such as bank accounts, loans, and credit cards. This suggests that banks are diversifying their offerings, successfully catering to a wide range of financial needs and preferences. Consumers, therefore, have the freedom to tailor their financial portfolios according to their individual circumstances.

The Competitive Nature of the Financial Services Industry

The survey found that 82% of respondents believe the financial services industry is highly competitive. In addition to benefiting from competitive interest rates and service fees, this competitive landscape also drives innovation, efficiency, and improvement in customer service. With multiple financial institutions vying for consumer attention, it’s evident that the industry is keeping pace with customer expectations and working diligently to offer superior service and products.

Transparency and Fee Disclosure

Moreover, 81% of those surveyed believe their bank is transparent in disclosing fees. Transparency is pivotal in any financial relationship, and these findings confirm that banks are effectively communicating any costs associated with their services, thereby building greater trust and confidence among consumers.

The Convenience and Rewards of Credit Cards

Not only are consumers satisfied with their banking services, but they also find credit cards to be extremely rewarding. A compelling 94% value the convenience of using their credit cards, and nine in ten respondents appreciate their reward programs. Furthermore, 82% believe that merchants also benefit from accepting credit cards, and 74% would be disappointed if government regulations led to the loss of these rewards.

Exceptional Security Measures

Banks are safeguarding finances and effectively protecting consumers from fraud and scams. Nine in ten respondents agree that their banks take proactive steps to guard them against such risks. Interestingly, three-quarters of those surveyed feel their bank does more than businesses in other sectors to protect them from fraud and scams.

Consumer Trust in Banks Over Other Industries

Lastly, regarding information security, banks are trusted far more than any other sector. Among the respondents, 49% trust banks the most, followed distantly by healthcare providers at 24%, non-bank payment providers like Apple Pay and Venmo at 11%, the government at 10%, cryptocurrency companies at 3%, and telecom companies and major retailers each at just 1%.

The survey, conducted from September 16-17, 2022, involved a weighted sample of 2,211 adults with a margin of error of plus or minus two percentage points. These insights underscore the robust health and integrity of the American banking system, solidifying its crucial role in individual financial well-being.


In light of these enlightening findings, it becomes imperative for Legacy Private Trust Company to share this invaluable information with our followers. The data not only highlights the unwavering trust and satisfaction that Americans place in their banking institutions but also underscores the pivotal role banks play in shaping individual financial trajectories. By disseminating this knowledge, we reinforce our commitment to transparency, consumer awareness, and the broader goal of fostering a trust-based relationship with our clientele. Furthermore, understanding these insights helps shape our strategies, ensuring Legacy Private Trust Company continues to align with industry benchmarks and the evolving needs of our valued clients.

If you are a Legacy client and have questions, please do not hesitate to contact your Legacy advisor. If you are not a Legacy client and are interested in learning more about our approach to personalized wealth management, please contact us at 920.967.5020 or

This newsletter is provided for informational purposes only.
It is not intended as legal, accounting, or financial planning advice.

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